An interview with Pavla Hubálková of WIRED.cz after her trip around the UK.
Edwin reports back from the slopes after attending Skinnovation – The Innovation and Startup Festival on Skis 2024.
Connectomics, crafting and creativity: A Q&A with Holly about curating the Crick’s new exhibition, Hello Brain! which opens in March 2024.
What if we could travel through time and look back on our ideal year? Founder and Impact Lead Edwin Colyer fast forwards to January 2025 for a moment of imagined reflection.
A three-hour masterclass promised to turn me from a curious amateur into a confident composer of prompts, and it didn’t disappoint. So, what did I learn?
When only the fighters can make it through, they are all you see, and they don’t represent the whole.
Nine fascinating insights on how our collective mosaic-making method helps to build trust and empathy between team members.
With just six months to test and evaluate our collective mosaic-making for policy methodology, we’ve been busy preparing.
Scientia Scripta supports clients to bring about long-lasting positive change. So becoming a member of 1% for the Planet was a natural step.
We are experimenting with a collective mosaic-making methodology to connect new and diverse people into policy discussions.’
We’re building the linkage between our impact work and our mission to ‘democratise science and innovation, for good.’
We’re working with the British Council on their work to improve Vocational Education and Training for inclusive growth and social development.
AI tools like ChatGPT are just too useful. That’s why we need ethical practices at the heart of their development.
Forget the triple bottom line, says Edwin, you need to live and die by your fourth bottom line: purpose.
My work fuels my creative life, but the reverse is also true: Being an author has taught me everything about resilience and getting the job done.
Repivoting is about change. It’s about changing direction. The drive for that change can be rooted in many factors, some intrinsic and some extrinsic.
Co-creation, co-production, participatory approaches, social involvement… Call it what you wish, we’re advocating for researchers and innovators to go further than simply listening.